Oftentimes parents feel pressure to be “perfect,” even though no parent is (sorry Mom 😇), but there are always small adjustments you can make as a parent.

These 2 simple words can drastically change your child’s…

– Self-esteem: specifically how they perceive challenges

– Discipline: to get things done the FIRST time you ask

– Confidence: sticking with difficult tasks they don’t feel like they are good at or don’t want to do.

The best part is, you can make this change right away! It’s simple and easy to implement.

So here are the 2 words: Yet & Get

Let me explain.

Next time your child says “I can’t do it” when it comes to doing school work, riding on a bike, or even practicing a karate piano, simply add in the word “yet” to the end of the statement.

“I can’t do it yet” means something way different.

It insinuates that you will be able to do it soon, with time and effort, and that’s one of life’s most important lessons that kids often miss, and parents aren’t sure how to teach.

Kids need to learn that failure is part of success. It’s not a destination, it’s just a speed bump. In order to reframe how your child sees challenges, make sure you always add the word “YET.” As a parent, be careful that you use the same language with yourself too!

Just because you can’t do something now, doesn’t mean you never will. So next time your child says “I can’t..” have them include the word yet at the end.

Okay that makes sense, but what about word #2: Get

Well, imagine if you didn’t have a car, and there was no public transportation, so every day walked 3 miles to work. There are two different ways you can frame this situation. You either “have” to walk 3 miles, or you “get” to walk 3 miles. This small change makes a huge difference. To you, having to walk 3 miles to work might seem like an inconvenience, but to someone who had a step-count goal every day, they “get” to walk 3 miles.

The situation doesn’t change, but your perception does.

Saying “today you have to practice your karate” is way different than “today you GET to practice your karate.”

“Have to” sounds like a chore, “get to” sounds like a reward.

One of my favorite quotes is “small hinges swing big doors,” and this tiny little adjustment is that small hinge that can open big doors for you and your family!

But don’t wait until later to apply this, let’s be real, you’ll probably forget.

Let’s implement this today so we can boost your child’s confidence NOW! (and yours too😉)